Westley:Nice to meet you all! I'm Westley, but my nickname is West.


Westley:Nice to meet you all! I'm Westley, but my nickname is West.

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Mythical: Ok Westey ive brought Kyrie with me so she can make a friend *Pushes Kyrie up to Westley* Now be friends.... Kyrie: Mythic... Im literally on the verge of slapping you. Myhical: *Smirks* I'd like to see you try
Westley:*Waves shyly* Hi... I'm... Westley. Most people call me West.
Mythical: *Dissapears* Kyrie: *Sighs* I-Im Kyrie... *Trys to smile but fails*
Westley:N-Nice to meet you.
Kyrie: Ya.... Nice to meet you... Mythical: *Watches frum le treh where it be safe*
Terra: *Is sitting on bench watching* C'mon kiss already!!!
Skai:*She sits next to Terra* What she said! Westley:*Blushes, then says in Skai's mind* -Shut up!
Terra: I will literally force you!
Skai:*Laughs* Westley:Skai... don't.
Terra: She wont. I will *Appears behind Westley and pushes him into Kyrie making them Kiss then takes picture* Heh. Told you i'd force you
Kyrie: *Turns dark redthen pulls away* TERRA!!!!
Westley:*Blushes* W-wha?! *Teleports away, his face red*
Terra: Now kyrie, before you start your little tantrum i have to say that we got things to do and people to ship. *dissapears*
Kyrie: *Teleports to a treh branch totally red*
West:*Reappears in the sky, his wings spread out* T-T-That w-was m-m-my first k-kiss...
Terra: *Alpears upside down next to Westley in the air* Thats how my logic works.
(I gtg latrs!)
(Awww, okay) Westley:*Glances over and notices her, then looks forward again, and starts to fly so fast he breaks the sound barrier*
Ash: *casually flies next to him, easily keeping up and nearly passing him* Aw... they shipped you without me. *smiles*
Terra: *Also flys by you boiz* Sorry Ash I couldn't find you...
Westley:*Stops suddenly, disappearing into another dimension* Can't follow me here... I decide who gets in.
Terra: *Appears by him* We can do alot of things.
Westley:*Floats in midair, crossing his arms* I don't want to be shipped, so please, do not ship me.
Terra: Well its 2 late for that. *Dissapears and re-appears in other dimension*
West:*Sighs* I don't want to be shipped. *Returns to normal dimension* ...
Kyrie: *Is still sitting in treh and talking to self*~I really hate terra
West:*Hears her* K-Kyrie?
Kyrie: Gah! *Falls out of treh but some shadows appear under her and she lands on her feet* What?
(Where u be?)
(Sorry, I'm at school)
Kyrie: Im fine... Now what do you want?
West:I-I don't know. I just saw you, and wanted to say hi.
Kyrie: Oh... Ok...
West:*Looks down at his phone, checking the time* Hey, Y-you wanna go out for lunch?
Kyrie: U-Uh! *Doesnt know how to react to his question bc shes nevr had a friend (Kyrie is more of the loner type. Just sayin)*
West:Y-You donmt have to, I just figured, since it's around lunchtime...
Kyrie: S-Sure! Y not?!?
West:O-Ok! What kind of restraunt do you wanna go to?
Kyrie:....... Um...... Marco's Pizza?
West:Sounds great! I have a motorcycle parked around the corner, and I could drive us there if you want!
Kyrie: Sure!
West:Okay! *Starts walking toward the motorcycle*
Kyrie: *Follows*
West:*Takes a black helmet off the back, and hands it to her, then grabs another and puts it on*
Kyrie: *Takes helmat and puts it on*
West:*Sits on the bike, and then turns and waits for her to sit on the back of the motorcycle*
Kyrie: *Gets on le back of le motir cycle*
West:*The motorcycle starts, and then they drive toward Marco's Pizza*
*flies next to the motorcycle* *whispers in Kyrie's ear* Ship *disappears
West:*Stops the motorcycle when they reach Marco's Pizza, and he takes off his helmet*
Kyrie: *Also talks off helmet*
West:*Sets his helmet on the bike, and locks his bike to the lampost, making sure no one will steal it* Let's go! *Smiles*
Kyrie: *Sets helmet down on seat of le motorcycle* Ya... *Slightly smiles atineh bit for "The first tiem in forever"*
West:*Holds the door open for her, smiling* Ladies first!
Kyrie: *Walks in* Thanks...
West:Okay... So where do you want to sit?
Kyrie: How about over there *Points to a table by a window*
West:Sounds great! *Smiles at her*
Kyrie: Should we order first?
West:Oh, heheh, yeah... *Laughs awkwardly*
I'll go to the table to make sure no one else takes it...
West:Okay. What kind of pizza do you want?
Kyrie: Pepperoni.
West:Got it. *Slow-jogs up the counter, and orders a medium pizza and two vanilla milkshakes, then walks over to the table* I got you a milkshake, but I didn't know what flavor you'd want...
Kyrie: Its fine I dont really care.
West:*Sets the pizza down*
Kyrie: Nom.... *Takes a piece of pizza and eats it*
West:*Grins and takes a small slice as well, and takes a bite* This pizza is fantastic!
Kyrie: Heh... Its one of my favorite pizza places.....
West:I think It's mine now too. *He laughs*
Kyrie: *Smiles abit*
West:So... What do you like to do?
Kyrie: I-I like to read in pitch black corners....
West:That's cool. Skai told me you do that a lot.
Kyrie: Heh well.... ya... I dodnt really have much to do so thats all I decided to waste my life on
West:I spend most of my time practicing magic. I have one spell I created, that I'm pretty proud of.
Kyrie: Cool!
Kyrie: *Smiles*
West:*Smiles back*
Kyrie: Soooooooo what other things do you like to do?
West:Well... I like to read.... and also write... but... my stories are pretty terrible.
Kyrie: *Mutters*~ Wow we are really simler.....
West:*He laughs* Okay.
Kyrie: *Is abit red from embarassment*
West:*His phone beeps, and he takes it out, reading the text that was sent to him* Wait... is this...? *His eyes widen* Yes!
Kyrie: what is it? *She is eating another peice of pizza*
West:My book just got sent out to bookstores across the nation! *His eyes are lit up wit excitement*
Kyrie: Wow that awsome!
West:Thanks! (I'll be on later, but I have to go right now)
Kyrie: I'll be sure to look for it! *Smiles*
West:Thanks! It's not the best book though...
Kyrie: Well if it wasnt the best then why is it being sold by book stores literally everywhere?
West:*He smiles* The dictionary is sold by bookstores everywhere too.
Kyrie: well people use the ductionaries *Laughs*