Jordan's I dunk that


Jordan's I dunk that

5 0
hey you know I did not give you permission to take a pic of me and post it so everyone knows that we are in the same class and I'm in school with her people she is rude one day she said when we went to a birthday party she said in the back of the car that she wished me and a fifth grader would fall out on the hi way
lies I'm not fat at all
she has a fat nut
she so rude people she has a large fat head 😭😭😭😭😭
bye fails ha
you posted that I do ask and you do have a fat nut also let go with your not fat but it is lie JONNY so ya
see she rude all the time and all day long don't follow her she rude I bet she would even do that to one of you collages
why would you do this oh yeah because Jonny is Annoying
get back at swiger
you are stupid