comment your 2 favorite songs from blurryface. mine are hometown and polarize i especially love hometown i think it's the prettiest song they have i literally worship it


comment your 2 favorite songs from blurryface. mine are hometown and polarize i especially love hometown i think it's the prettiest song they have i literally worship it

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mesage man and the judge
message man or hometown/polarize
thank youuu
I can't choose only 2
hds and not today
they're such a bop
message man and polarize
I like home town and message man. can't wait to see them live!!
not today and fairly local
goner and tear in my heart and fairly local and heavydirtysoul and I cannot choose 2 sorry 😂
Message Man and either Tear In My Heart or Fairly Local
tear in my heart and goner probably idk this is so hard
doubt and not today