This hasn't turned out how I pictured it in my head but hope you like it anyway, it took ages! 😂💕 rate? Also... I saw the huntsman, winters war yesterday.... It was so so so good!!! 😱😱😱


This hasn't turned out how I pictured it in my head but hope you like it anyway, it took ages! 😂💕 rate? Also... I saw the huntsman, winters war yesterday.... It was so so so good!!! 😱😱😱

121 0
OMG that's amazing, can u like stop being so much better then me? it makes me feel bad😫😂💕
this is amazing omggg
10000000/10 I'm not even kidding 😂 I've started landline, and it is so good so far!!!
ooooo I saw the huntsman too it was awesome! btw I love this!
no way. that's just one of my better ones, most of them suck. also no words r ever made up... SUPERCALIFRAJALISTICEXPIALIDOTIUS
cause I'm following more ppl then r following me
amazing beyond amazing
i love it 💕🦄✨
yeah of course I still want to!
no problem, this is way better than any of my edits :)
do you want to do The Fifth Wave maybe?
okay! I've posted it!!!! 😊💕 post urs soon? 😊😘
ohhhhh.... and I finished landline yesterday...... GOD!!!! I cried so much! 😱 I want a magic phone 😭💗😭💗