-Call me alex
-I also go by alex😂
-taken😘🙈by the girl who put that smile on my face.TAYLER💕
-I'm straight but that's irrelevant my heart is taken by tayler so no one even try🙊
-in music and lyrics I find peace ✌🏻 
-don't worry about my age. Worry about my


-Call me alex -I also go by alex😂 -taken😘🙈by the girl who put that smile on my face.TAYLER💕 -I'm straight but that's irrelevant my heart is taken by tayler so no one even try🙊 -in music and lyrics I find peace ✌🏻 -don't worry about my age. Worry about my

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sorry some of it got cut off..
I'm ok ig
I just said hi and someone blocked me:)
i'm great thanks :)) and congrats with you tayyy treat her good ❤❤
He treats me amazing, he may not always be here but I know when he is I'll never stop smiling.
tbh i don't know you lol