What the? *laughs*


What the? *laughs*

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hey Nya -j
JAKE! *hugs u*
*laughs and hugs you back* miss me?
*smiles* well I missed you too! Josh is back... which mer isn't happy about.. but otherwise we're all good
neither is coral. don't not be expecting her to lash out and pull his eyelashes out quite frankly I could do that too if I had the time. kalis missed you and Ryan is very close to being due next week!
that's so exciting for her!! and I would help coral. he has crossed the line this time with mer
yup I just thought like the way they where with each other it was unbelievable that tey ever broke up. RY wants to talk to Ty can she?
yeah he's on! Josh was fooling her the whole time apparently
what a jerk!
hey Ty! -RY