We're all füçkèd.
Our president is racist, homophobic, frickíń orange, sexist, and against everything I stand for. We are going to go downhill faster than my tears spilling down my cheeks right now.


Tap We're all füçkèd. Our president is racist, homophobic, frickíń orange, sexist, and against everything I stand for. We are going to go downhill faster than my tears spilling down my cheeks right now.

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Who are Americans to criticize him of being all those anti alignments? Aren't they all sometimes? If Hillary won you would've had a killer as president. If Hillary won you would've had a liar as president. If Hillary had won you would've had a terrible president. Donald J. Trump. is just like Teddy Roosevelt. Smart, patriot, and a loud mouth. He was one of your best presidents. Don't miss judge this new president. He is going to do a lot in you're favor. And being orange is okay. Have you never watched Jersey Shore ?
don't worry I agree with you. America is fùcked. this is why I'm getting a visa for England and getting the fûck out of here
^ I agree
(with justarandomphandom)
I'm crying right now too I don't wanna go to school with all the big Trump supporters. I don't want to watch America become a place where any of the stuff Trump wants actually happens.
I agree with the long comment about Hillary above
Iam going back to Russia ....peace mother truckers
i cant understand why usa voters would choose trump?! like after all he's done?! discrimination, sexim, i agree, why would ppl support him???!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
yay! Trump won!
even tho me has no opinion...... WE WERE DOOMED AS SHÍT ANYWAY WITH EITHER ONE!!!!! (and i wanna send him a letter if I could and tell him to watch his back)
@HESITANT_ALIEN your comment is the truest one out here
so true. our country is the laughing stock of the world. I have a cousin in Switzerland we were face timing and she said she feels bad for us no matter who wins the election😖
I know 😭😭 how did this happen?