This isn't the best edit... Haven't posted in a while But it's for Alex aka Allyness πŸ’• @alexlovesfood the roses represent her beauty on the in and out and perfection πŸ™ˆ ilyyy Allyness!


This isn't the best edit... Haven't posted in a while But it's for Alex aka Allyness πŸ’• @alexlovesfood the roses represent her beauty on the in and out and perfection πŸ™ˆ ilyyy Allyness!

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I love your posts and sorry I was away from your account for so long!
I'll be sure to come and talk to you if I need seem to have an amazing account that represents something different...a good kind.. so thank you I guess....jeez I'm weird
I don't know if I'm talented...but thanks anyway. I don't really write that often...
my name is Carolina..I don't really have any nicknames besides "cattol" which my mom calls me
yeah, thanks...
sorry for being...awkward. im pretty shy and I don't really talk much to people I don't know. um yeah, see you around..
don't worry, I'm worried about things like that too I just never really talk about it and I'm hoping that this account will help be able to talk...
I'm just always nervous or shy but um yeah...
yeah, I do. I've been trying to get to into more bands but sadly I don't have the money to buy songs yet :-(
well I do love Fall Out Boy and 5sos, I'm not a hug fan of anyone but I do find myself listening to them more than anyone else
my grandpa once called 5sos five boys in a bed
and I was like no first of all there's only 4 people
my favorite in 5sos would have to be AshtonπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ who's yours?
I keep swerving between Michael and Ashton though. and I agree it's sort of annoying how some people only like Luke
him and arzaylea have really been getting on my nerves.
he never looks happy with her, like you'd think you'd be happy with your "girlfriend" but he just looks high. I'm not gonna lie he looks hot too... I understand the 'not liking being followed by paparazzi' but you should be able to ignore that if you love someone
I don't think either of them love each other
I agree, It's also annoying when people think we don't want Luke to be happy. we're trying to get him to realize that arzaylea is tearing apart the fandom. she's making him block his fans. his supporters..the people who got him famous
yeah, she says she's just a normal fan but she's only following Luke?
I'm almost 15, my birthday is in May. how old are you?
just discovered ur account and absolutely love it !! πŸ’›πŸ’› new follower !!
wow! this is amazing and so deep!😘😍
You are amazing. I feel the same way too but we have each other and if you need to talk head over to my account. Don't forgot your amazing
I love this so much!! πŸ’˜πŸ’˜
this quote is so true tbh, also this edit is really good πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
this is true so true πŸ’¦πŸ’•