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I'm Not Good At Making Icons Though!
I wish I could make one, for you. but I am not good at it! ;-; I wanna talk to you!!
pretty please with a cherry on top?
I know that ur good at making icons
I Guess, What Picture Do You Want It To Be?
Anything that you think looks good, because I am your fan page! I'm not fussy when it comes to you!
Are You Sure? Btw, I'm the worst icon maker ;-;
No ur not! And yes!
Oh Wait u Want An Online And Offline
Can u Pleasesssssseeeeeeee Get 2 Pictures To Choose For Online And Offline? ✨😊❤️👏🏻
Can u PPLLEEAASSEE choose it ur self? this acc is about YOU, not me
But Your Created It!
You* lol
I made them on my page, sorry they're terrible. I'm so bad at making icons