Tapppppppp hereeeeeee
Okay so sorry I haven't been posting but I hope you like this?
I've finally finished watching Teen Wolf so I'm up to date and now I've started The 100 and I'm liking it so far!
Also finished Heir of Fire the 3rd book in the Throne of


Tapppppppp hereeeeeee Okay so sorry I haven't been posting but I hope you like this? I've finally finished watching Teen Wolf so I'm up to date and now I've started The 100 and I'm liking it so far! Also finished Heir of Fire the 3rd book in the Throne of

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Yes!!The 100-it's one of my favourite showsπŸ˜†πŸ˜†
why why why!!!! the feels 😒😒😒 this is so good! 😍✨ and I love throne of glass, have you started reading heir of fire? 😊
me too! I CANNOT WAIT to read the next book 😱😍😁✨
love throne of glass series!!😍😍
who do you ship Celaena with?
hey Kate! Could you do me a huge favour and go to ag011's page and like her most recent remix? THANKS SO MUCH BAE!!
this is beautiful 😍 But sad too 😭
hey, can you pls enter round one? thanks!!! just a few more people before we can go to the next round!!!!
lol really? I always shipped her with Chaol! but everyone seems to hate him ☹️ but now I don't think they suit.
I got insane; sorry
pls make sure to enter round one!!! don't want to have to disqualify you first roundπŸ˜‰
hey, I was thinking of starting to watch teen wolf, but I'm not sure if I should, do you think it's worth it? πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•βœ¨
yep, that is fine!
okay, thankyou πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•βœ¨
I agree. Clalec in TV but in books, Clace and Malec (NO SPOILERS. I'M ONLY STARTING TO READ FALLEN ANGELS)
thank you πŸ’•
round 2 has been posted and so have round one scores!!!
make sure you enter round 2!
round 1 for my games has been posted! Please enter as soon as you can!πŸ’•βœ¨