Just a small rant of how selfish I am :P


Just a small rant of how selfish I am :P

22 1
You're not selfish, dw. I feel the same way about all of the things I post cos you'd expect out of 8k followers more than 30-50 would like stuff
okay like I get 100-200 likes and that is A LOT but I have 58K followers like that means more then 70% aren't active and it's quite saddening to me but hey you can't choose I guess
I feel the same😔😔 I have 1.5K but I only get usually 20-30 likes when I see people with the same amount of followers get hundreds of likes
i used to feel like that but now i just tell myself that likes arent important! If i have fun and like to male collage its enough!:)
"and like to male collages" XD haha!! (sorry I couldn't help it)
Also thanks everyone for their support :)
I totally agree
I hate this too this is why I give a spam of likes to everyone I follow