Alex Lange👊🏻


Alex Lange👊🏻

21 93
a-alex... i-i really like you.. like 15 mins we started talking i insanity fell in love ❤️ i know you probably don't feel the same.. But i just wanted to let you know. can I forget about you, I mean I do like you and you make me feel special when I am with you❤️is just that right now I don't know if I am ready for a relationship but I also wanna let you know that I like you😔❤️and nobody can change that, I promise
*blushes deeply* that's understandable... im not ready either but i just felt i had to tell you..
*smiles and pokes your cheeks*Has someone told you how cute you are when you blush?😩❤️
*blushes more* that's why your amazing ! *giggles softly*
*smiles and shakes head*You are not amazing are unbelievable,cool, gorgeous, awesome, cool, sweet, kind and I could make a list of 1638484949 things I love of you and still I would never end😍
*blushes really red and smiles* aww, well i love you too and i could make up 2976538400174732 things about you and it willlll NEVVERRRRRR end *smiles*
that's too many numbers😂*smiles and holds your hands*you will get tired by writing so many thingd
*entangles our fingers and smiles* well your too amazing.
*smiles and looks at you*Te amo trillones💘that means I love you so much in spanish🙉
i know *giggles softly* and te amo trillones more❤️
So you know Spanish then?*laughs and puts one piece of your hair behind your ear*💘
*smiles and blushes hard* well only a little..
*smiles and kisses your forehead*I wanna ask you something...💗☺️
what is it? *smiles*
Wanna go out on a date with me, just the two of us💗☺️
*nods and blushes* that would be a dream come true 💕☺️
yay that's awesome*smiles and kisses your cheek*💘
*blushes hard and smiles*
*smiles*Where do you wanna go?💘
*smiles* Anywhere ✨❤️
Sure *smiles wide and puts a strand on hair behind my ear* ❤️😊
*smiles and looks at you*I love when you do that💗☺️
*blushes red* r-really 💛😊 ( do you just wanna remix me?)