Art_stealer is horrible! She steals everyone's art!


Art_stealer is horrible! She steals everyone's art!

26 2
I'm fine with it as long as you don't say stuff like "they should die in a ditch" or things like that
btw on the panda thing it just fell under the slide
She's mean, but hate pages hurt feelings
I agree with sweet_paw. I made an edit for art_stealer to post on her page, and she really liked it. She was very nice. Plus, hating back isn't the answer- Be nice, don't make a hate page for her!
lol ur too stupid to hack. my password is too good for u
also I get a lot of hate so this page is a waste of time
tell me who is this account I wouldn't report you cause I hate her too
I shouldn't have been mean to art_stealer she is really nice u should just stop being mean
why is everyone defending her like she STEALS ppls collages
I think her password is istealart but idk just trying to help because I hate her too
I tried the password but it daint work
she is rude
just because she's rude and steals other ppls collages doesn't mean you should stoop down to that level and hate on her
I blocked her
guys this is just bullying the bully(I say that she's a bully because she's a jerk to everyone). This isn't any better than what she's doing.
Hi I am with u but I'm not with u on this page cause this page doesn't matter anymore
you're meaner for making a hate page for them!!!! GET A LIFE!!!!!
I agree about art_stealer cuz you put in the effort but she steals