also i find a lot of you insanely cringy now tbh but that’s just because i’ve changed a lot hAHA THE AMOUNT OF HATE I’LL BE GETTING FROM THIS


also i find a lot of you insanely cringy now tbh but that’s just because i’ve changed a lot hAHA THE AMOUNT OF HATE I’LL BE GETTING FROM THIS

14 0
you're back
the man the myth the legend
@#4 if!! the!! music!! is!! good!! it's!! okay!! to!! like!! it!! ahaksjwjs understanding the lyrics has nothing to do with anything
do you even remember me still? 😂
it’s me, phanskittles lol
@roliveridontwanttotypetherest that’s exactly the response i thought i would get hahaha
@phanskittles lowkey?
you’re back!! how’ve you been?
It has been a while wow and yeah IK I'm still cringey don't be afraid to @ me next time
@hermionejeaneverdeen i’ve been ok, thanks. how are you?
@rhishwhatever at least you admit it
oh hey you’re back. I honestly don’t think we talked much but I’m still as cringy as I was before tbh
@sorta-lost i don’t remember your username, did you change it?
@angstyorchestra same like i’m not against it i’m just confused??? like i would like to know the meaning of the song i’m listening to
oops yeah I forgot about that, I used to be @That_One_Weirdo ((ew)) and then I was @morethansurvive
you're alive what the fûck
funny story i might have forgotten who you are but you seem enthusiastic at the fact that i’ve returned so i’ll assume we’re friends
yIke sorry i forgot i think i was either -PanicAtTheDisco- or GitUrOwnFren oh god its been a long time since ive said those two @s
1) Music is a universal language 2) Have you ever thought of looking up a translation??? 3) K-pop is much more unique and K-pop idols go through years of training working 20+ hours a day, which makes them quite easy to admire. (Not hating, just informing)
And I apologize, I got triggered for a bit.
1) music is, lyrics aren’t 2) yes but in my opinion, i would rather be able to understand the lyrics while listening to the song, but if you wanna be extra that’s fine 3) unique??? give me three explanations as to how they don’t sound the same as mainstream american pop music (otHER THAN THE LANGUAGE) 3 1/2) many other stars do that in music, acting, sports, dance, etc. it’s just as easy to love an american celebrity as a kpop celebrity, you’re not special sweetie :) but you know not hating, just informing :)))