Collage by _The_Selection_


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Princess Brooke smiles and so does Prince Micheal. “Welcome”
“Hello, I’m Lynn.” I say and do a man bow.
“Yes to meet you Lynn.” Nicholas smiles.
“What exactly am I supposed to be doing here?” I ask with a small laugh
“Introduce yourself and well make a first Impression.” Nicholas laughs.
“Umm, Ok. You already know my name, so I’m assuming you’re Prince Nicholas?” I say.
“If not you’re still very handsome.”
Nicholas chuckles. “Aw thank you your looking quite lovely as well.”
“You’re welcome, and thank you.” I say biting my lip, not knowing what to do.
“So Tell me a..little about yourself Lynn.” Nicholas says.
“I’m Lynn Evers, I’m 19, I’ve been here to the palace before actually, I’m a singer.” I say.
Nicholas nods. “So your a five?”
“No, a four actually, I’m just better at singing than being an insurance broker.” I shrug. “The palace isn’t as I remember it.”