REALLY IMPORTANT!!! Check comments Okay so this person called _-just_us-_ has STOLEN two of live_long_books collages!!!! She has also posted horrible comments on her page, saying her collages aren't good, and when she was found out, she CLAIMED she made t


REALLY IMPORTANT!!! Check comments Okay so this person called _-just_us-_ has STOLEN two of live_long_books collages!!!! She has also posted horrible comments on her page, saying her collages aren't good, and when she was found out, she CLAIMED she made t

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REALLY IMPORTANT!!! Check comments Okay so this person called _-just_us-_ has STOLEN two of live_long_books collages!!!! She has also posted horrible comments on her page, saying her collages aren't good, and when she was found out, she CLAIMED she made them herself!!! Instead of just owning up! πŸ˜‘πŸ˜€πŸ˜‘πŸ˜€
@caption😱 omg! I hate when people steal people's collages, ESPECIALLY without giving credit! A collab of mine and two of my friends' collages have been recently stolen too!
but anyway, I love this pc-only editπŸ‘Œ
hey bestie! I bet you weren't expecting to see me back!!! well, I am πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ’— anyway... yeah, I just wanted to let you know that you and your begging paid off in the end πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Well done for getting book nerd back-you are both so amazing!!!
That is horrible!!!!! I love her collages, and for them to be stolen just makes me so mad!!!!!!