Well, hello there! I know a lot of people aren't going to see this as I haven't been active in a VERY long time, but for those of you who do (and still care) it's me again. My name is Christine Firehart and I ran this account for years. I made friends whi


Well, hello there! I know a lot of people aren't going to see this as I haven't been active in a VERY long time, but for those of you who do (and still care) it's me again. My name is Christine Firehart and I ran this account for years. I made friends whi

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Well, hello there! I know a lot of people aren't going to see this as I haven't been active in a VERY long time, but for those of you who do (and still care) it's me again. My name is Christine Firehart and I ran this account for years. I made friends while I was here. I ranted here. I fangirled here. I loved and lost people here. I was depressed here. I cut here. I hated myself here. But I suppose that's why I'm back again- To tell you what happened to the blue-haired girl you used to know... In short, I found something to live for. The long part? It's not a human being or a career or an animal or anything like that. I found God somewhere in the middle of all the darkness in my head. It's a journey, I can tell you that much. I never got my "quick fix." In fact, there are some days I still don't want to get out of bed, but they don't come as often as they used to. I smile a lot more. I know I'm going to live and not die by my own hand. I have faith in something beyond my control. I have friends, I have plans, I have something I never thought I could. And yes, I have tears, I have regrets, and I have nights I wonder whether I really want to wake up the next morning. But I wanted to apologize to everyone here for the way I used to act. I believe I was a fairly nice person, but I also know how stubborn, deceiving, and selfish I was and I'm so sorry. I hope I can make up for that some day. In the words of Lin-Manuel Miranda "I promise that I'll make y'all proud..." I don't know if I'll ever come back to this account, but if you want to keep in contact with me, I'll post again with a few of my social media accounts. Beyond that, I'm sure I'll be back every once in a while. After all, I can never really leave my Army 😜 I love you all! Signing off one more time - Christine Firehart (Lokis_Girl)
aww that's great I'm so glad you're doing better💕