Love dogs


Love dogs

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no on cares about u
^ what the fΓ»ck happened
I saw your comment on her most recent post
listen, talk to me asap
tell me what happened
go away
you were slightly rude
and so was she but I've already dealt with her
so what prompted this?
it's alright
in the future do you think you could just delete her comments or block her
no problemo
you seem pretty nice too
I'm rose btw
I'm very nice to people
so are you grace or Lucy ( judging by your username)
my irl best friend's name is grace
so who's Lucy?
I'm so sorry I spelt my name wog my name Grace
it's cool dude
typos happen all the time
it's like when autocorrect capitalizes something for no reason; like I'm not that excited
are you a boy or a girl
im a girl, my names rose
why do you ask?
because I'm a girl to
Lucy in my best friend but she is a dog
that's cool
dogs are the best
the reason because I do not have a lot of friends
who are your other friends
do you think I'm weed
dude, being weird is cool
we're all weird in some way and I think that's beautiful
Alex she is a girl, Elle, Ella,Keesh,Jessica and gen
that's a lot of friends 😊( from my perspective)
wow thank you for telling me that
it's true
who are your friend
so on pc anyone I follow is my friend
irl: grace, molly, that's kinda it
are you in high school
also do you wanna be friends
because I do
wow that sounded so awkward 😳
Im on summer break, but once it's over I'll be a freshman
I'm 14 btw
yes I do
high five?
I'm 13