woah whats been going on in ur life comment


woah whats been going on in ur life comment

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everyone's deciding what classes they're going to take for high school and i'm like aH STRESS
Lots of food and tears
every time someone tries to initiate conversations with me I scream "OCCULT" until they leave
All the freshman and sophomores (including me) at my school have to take state testing next week and they thought it would be a good idea to wait until yesterday to tell us... yaaaaay
a boy in my class moaned in his sleep during a test so that was interesting
^^^^^good luck im sure high school will be lit
^^^^stay hydrated uwu
^^^rad man
^^omg r they the ny state testing?? (that sounds creepy but all my friends are taking them this week lol)
^bet he was dreaming about you (;
I found out my mom is bi also my dog died so uh it's kinda been good and bad lately
I took two state test things this week and we're testing in science tomorrow on a topic we studied for two days
^^^sorry about ur dog ): but thats p cool 💖
^^at least you guys studied lol. good luck !!