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I think she screenshot it when she looked up my name but it makes me angry because I want to put my profile picture as me or me and my sister but I'm afraid she'll steal it
but I blocked her but I guess she can still steal my icon
oh and hi
I'm gonna change it right now and let's wait I guess
that's ok 👌
No your not and don't ever think that and btw I love your new icon, it's awesome
hey weird question but how old are you
Sweet I'm 12 almost 13 in march
Yeah we can stop talking if you like I don't mind I've just been browsing on pc
Oh sorry I mean Pic collage lol 😂
just to keep the conversation going I live in the state of Maine what state do you live in? btw you don't have to answer
That's awesome my friend is from Texas but she lives with her dad up here and her mom lives down in Texas
yeah I kinda wish I could meet you, you sound like a really nice person
should I change my name to BlackWolf12 so that one person doesn't steal my icons and whatever
I think I will but first I have to tell all my followers
I did I couldn't do BlackWolf12 so I changed it to BlackWolf2020
I wouldn't either I just thought of it because the year I graduate is 2020 so I thought ok then I'll just do that then