In the comment section vote which dress you think is the best by typing the number in the corner of the pic


In the comment section vote which dress you think is the best by typing the number in the corner of the pic

9 1
these are tumblr homecoming dresses
3,5 or 9 -Kaylee
thx kaylee love ya😘
haha lol do I know u lol
no but I love your dancing
oh that's cool are you friends with @Beautyqueen76 she's my friend I love her so much i factimed her yesterday
yeah she is so cool she is my friend in real life and pic collage that you face timed her
ya she FaceTime all the dance moms girls I think that's what kenzie told me
hey and that is so cool she is sort of popular with that type of stuff
oh ya she's cool
that's so cool