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To my dearest friend, Chris: you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I love you to death, I hope you know that. You're my best friend. You are the only reason I'm still here. I don't ever want to lose you. You are so important to me, love. I hope we stay close, because you're my world. I love talking to you. You understand me. Always be yourself, and I promise good people will come into your life. I love you ❤️
To a special little turtle, Trevor: You are amazing. Thank you for always talking to me, even though I bet I've annoyed you a lot. I like talking to you. I don't feel bad when we talk. You light up people's worlds, and I think that's special. I'm so glad you're happy. Thank you for everything, smol bean.
To a beautiful girl, Liz: thank you. for everything. you've cheered me up so many times. I can't thank you enough for that. I don't even know what to say to you. I'm speechless. Just remember you're beautiful and amazing and wonderful. thank you for giving me happiness at the times I needed it most.
To @FestiveGoth : I don't even know your name, but thank you. you made my day. I haven't cut in a while because of you. I know I keep forgetting to comment on you profile to let you know, but I'm a week clean now. just knowing you cared enough to let me tell you how long I've been clean everyday, that means everything to me. thank you so so much. I hope we can be friends.
To anyone who has ever tried talking me out of my bad habits: thank you. the urges are still there, but thank you for the effort. it means a lot to know that there are still good people out there.
To anyone who has told me to kill myself: I wish you the best. You see, I'm not a cruel person. I know people are fxcked up. I don't like to add on to their pain, cause I know the pain. I hope you find happiness. Of you finally realize that what you say hurts. It will make you a better person. Keep up the harsh words, I dare you. You'll find out how guilty you feel when someone finally ends their life because of you.
~the end~
that was so sweet and amazing. thank you so much for helping me out too. you mean the world to me and you are so so so amazing. I love you more than most things. you are so lovable and amazing and always remember, I'm here. if you ever need anything I will always be willing to help. love you❤️
Thanks, love 💚
Oh my god, you made me cry. Thank you so much, you're amazing. I never want to lose you either. I love you 💙 You'll make it through this.