SPS will be back in business in 2016!!!!


SPS will be back in business in 2016!!!!

8 0
what's the passcode?
comment on my collage any one
wait why are those collages all gone
are we not hacked anymore
what's the new password
KatnissKitty said that she deleted all that stuff for us and that the hacker changed the password but luckily she was still logged in but isn't now and can't get back in
oh no😱😭
maybe if we make a collage for the hater she'll give us the password like let's try to be nice and if that doesn't work then idk what to do
The thing is (sorry I'm not in the group) but do we even exactly know who the hater is...?
The hater was Sarah_Hallo_Britain. She completely left PC though.
Ohh ok thanks for letting me know, how did you figure it out?
she literally hacks EVERYONE!
sarah_hallo_britain didnt hack sps. im investigating now. i have an idea of who but im not saying till im certain.
u should apologise to her shes never hacked in her life and u guys just accused her
can i co own too. im great at collages. my old account was epic! but it unfortunately got hacked so i deleted it.