Collage by -Sadiebell12-


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alright! what part do you want to do?
hey, i think i could do....maybe some pngs and the bg if thats ok because im not good at the text and details lol 😂
and i have alot of images we could use let me know if you want me to remix them🙂
sorry if i seem annoying but r u there😊
yes! sorry, I was working on something for some games!
definitely remix them because I’d love to see what they are!
I can totally do the text and details if you would like me too!
ok great ill be one second😊
ok im finished the remix♡
ok so what about pngs?
what were you thinking of doing for that?
ill remix some that i have that we could use since i gusse were going with a tropical theme and you can remix some if ya want to😬
those were some pngs i have i do have more than that if ya want to see more and dont like those☺️