We’re full


We’re full

18 5
Tysm for the luck and alright
yup np
a girl has a crush on jayton and dreamy girl I think is stoping her from doing something bc she says. she’s a devil just wanted to let you know
okay just wanted to let you know
what did she do she is 7
she did nothing
hi np
She’s 7 years old and she’s a devil!! she just got on this app and ALREADY LIKES JAYTON!!! HELP
No lols here Jailyn she literally has a crush on Jayton and I bet u she wants him to date her and how old I’d be 10 right?
Jailyn what grade is Jayton in bc Fernando wants to know?
I am turning 10 after I’m 10 1 more year until I get a phone
ty I just wanted to know by my cousin Layla-xxx likes him!
haha lol
Lol i’ma tell Jayton
Nooooo way
Wow well gtg to class 😒Brb I’ll talk to u when I’m in class i don’t pay attention in music lol
yeah i was literally just going to ask that lol
help me
new post
ok, thanks
when it going to begin?
awesome! however, PC isn’t letting me remix. is it possible for me to just post my game entry on my profile, and let you know when it’s up??
let me in a team next time plz
ok will do
I was upset because I didn’t know and by the time I did I was to late
maybe make applications people fill out and then pick them
and I just remix their latest post to secretly let them know instead of everyone say me me me
oh ok