No make up today 🙀


No make up today 🙀

47 0
and sexy af
thanks x 😳
yeah do u have a boyfriend
and you look awesome and so pretty!!
I did, but not anymore 😪
thanks x
you should have one cause your sexy af
well people think I'm ugly and my last boyfriend passed away
oh I'm sorry and your not ugly how'd he pass
sorry shouldn't have asked
he committed suicide
oh so sorry
he wasn't happy anymore
it's ok xxx
just like you do then
@lone-girl-hatepage maybe you should eat that makeup so you'll be beautiful on the inside
you're gorgeous
no matter how much make up u have on u r always flawless
thanks xxx
thanks x
I'm so sorry you have a hate page. don't listen to any of it! you're beautiful
thanks x
you don't need makeup
thanks x
thanks x