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Lyrics from “Why Should I Worry” from my favourite Disney movie “Oliver & Company”!!
you have so many favourite Disney movies lol... but then, why not??
(I've actually never seen it... I've failed as a human being and I apologise)
I'm ashamed
you: "OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!!!!!" how do I not know this lol....???
hahah me: TO BE BURNED AT THE STAKE 😂 lol I’d nvr do dat to u bro 😂🖖
lol, u better not...
hahaha, never in a 1,000,000 years
hmmmmm, that's oddly specific... 😂😂
what about in 1,000,001 years??
haha sure, how about never at all?! 😂😂😊😊😘😘
I'll take that lol!!!! 😘😘😂😂
😘😘 This probably sounds weird, but I’ve never had an internet buddy that I’ve been as close to
your such a great person to message and you’re so kind!! we also have a tonne in common!!