Anyone up??


Anyone up??

3 0
heyy 💙💙
how ya doin
not to good what bout you
I guess alive what's up?
I was at fair for the hole time and I met this guy and we fell for each other but can't see each other now
awe I'm so sorry I'm sure maybe one day you will see him again if it was meant to be.
yea he was so sweet
hey can I tell you something?
your beautiful and sweet and amazing if this guys cares enough to one day plan to find you again and make things right and continue this niceness and give you his number if he hasn't already than he's loosing a chance to be with an amazing girl who I would see at the top of the social triangle don't loose hope
I don't think you know me that well lol no one really likes me in person
what state or country you live if you don't mind me asking
I think I may go to bed soon
cool how old r u, sorry If im being annoying
your fine almost 15
oh coolz you look really young
that's a good thing
how young
your age lol sorry I expected to Ito say an older age maybe or something sorry
so. idk what to say really.
Imma sleep talk to you tomorrow??
what time is it for you I haut say you might go to bed I've been bugging you sorry
just saw*
ok sleep well
what?? and it's almost 10:30
sorry I didn't read some of the responses. talk tomorrow?
yea night