What's the worst injury you guys have ever had?


What's the worst injury you guys have ever had?

51 0
I ran into a truck once!
😭😭I can't read it girl 😩it looks so gorgeous; what it say?πŸ’«
and we have got to collab seriously 🌚
oh and once I fell and slipped and you know the screws on the like silver bit on the bottom of a door (they're nailed to the floor) my hand like slid into one and it lifted up like a lot of skin and bled for like 5 hours non stopπŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
this is supposed to be "don't go too fast if you're riding on a lie" for some reason the go didn't goπŸ˜’
that sounds like some sorta Mickey Mouse jokeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
well.... not much but I stepped on glass and it got stuck in my foot so when I was walking down the stairs I tripped and fell down the stairs so..... ya
I've gotten injured so many times.. perhaps that time when a nail was caught into my foot. Or when a skipping rope was whipped into my nose.. lol maybe even the time when I fell of my bike and had scrapes everywhere