Okay but he is extremely photogenic and from what I've heard he hates his smile which is obviously beautiful and from something else I heard he hates it bc his ex-girlfriend used to make fun of him for it so I just ?? why would she do that


Okay but he is extremely photogenic and from what I've heard he hates his smile which is obviously beautiful and from something else I heard he hates it bc his ex-girlfriend used to make fun of him for it so I just ?? why would she do that

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that's why she's his EX girlfriend, because she's full of bull shît
fùçk that ex girlfriend she's a bítch
kill his ex
she deserves it
no one does that to my little bean
she deserves to burn
like Hamilton's letters to Eliza
in a fûcking lantern on a Broadway stage
she deserves to go to hēll
like brendon
actually no scratch that she deserves to go to heaven bc all the good music players are in hēll so we can have an awesome tour of all the dead band members when we're all in hēll that'll be fun
but some hood people are probably going to heaven too like Phil, Tyler, and probably Josh, and maybe Patrick too
idk she just deserves a long painful death.
I volunteer to stab her multiple times
I am way overthinking this