Gem isn't too happy-Harry


Gem isn't too happy-Harry

19 5
Lol, enjoying that juice box? 😂
Yes,I love juice boxes
Ok, I admit I had a TruMoo joice box earlier today...
Lol yass 😂👍🏼
I swear I'm a 7 year old in a 17 year old body
That is the best thing I've heard all day 😂😂😂
Thank you thank you,I'll be here all week😂
Omg yesss
I'm trying to make my sister Gemma happy
Aww why's she sad
Cause nobody loves her except for me,the boys,and our cat Tabby
Aww she'll find someone 💕
She will. 👍🏼 I can guarantee
Thanks,she's had too many heartbreaks
Aww... I'm hoping for her
Thank you,love
No problem ❤️
Hey, you still up?
Yep just hanging with gem
Cool I'm bored