Oh where do I begin? ~Nya


Oh where do I begin? ~Nya

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hey Nya -Jake
hotshot! *leans on crutches and tries to wave*
Nya!!! what happened?!?!
well... *wobbles over to you* turns out losing a soul is exhausting so yeah I kinda lost my strength which is killing me cuz I like kicking things!
Nya you wanted to talk to me in private?
yes. I found out that my dad will only be going to jail for two years cuz of something I did...my sleepless night finally paid off...
but Zach can't know...he's back and idk if I should tell him until I know for sure that this is going to happen what do I do?
that's great!!! he'll be out so quick! great job Nya
thnx... *half smiles* that's why I'm so happy! hotshot I feel like we haven't been anywhere in ages I've been so focus led on dad and other things that I haven't spent time with you.
tell him... hes zachs dad too and he deserves to know
okay I'll make it subtle tho. *bites lip* oh I'm am so dead *does a sigh with a hit of laughter*
well then let's do something!!! I feel like we haven't really talked much lately
I miss youuuu!!! *pouts*
*giggles* okay I'm fine with anything apart from things tondo with clowns or heights. I'm getting over rocks...ish
well that's good! *laughs a little* how about I take you to dinner?
*widens eyes* that sounds nice. *smiles*
great *smiles* so I have a great place in mind... and it's pretty close.. only a 10 minute car ride. you up for it?
bettr then 3 he one we did last month *laughs a lil and puts a beanie on*
*better then the 3 hour one
*laughs and puts my jacket on* let's head out
yay *chuckles* ladies first! *smiles and opens door*
that's u by the way *giggles* what the... *covers mouth*
*laughs* oh you must be mistaken *picks you up and caries you to the car*
*smiles and laughs* whee oh I could get used to this!
you'll have to! until you get stronger, this is how you'll be moving! *laughs and sets you in the passenger seat*
ooooh I don't want to get betterrrr *pouts*
*kisses your cheek* you'll have to get better eventually. *walks around and gets in the driver seat*
*blushes and touches cheek then smiles to self*
oh...well that sucks *chuckles*
*starts the car and smiles at you*
so r u gonna tell me where we r going? *look at u with puppy eyes*
aww well since you asked... no. *smirks* a surprise is a surprise
noooooo!!! *puts head back*
*laughs* maybe I'll give you a hint... but what's in it for me?
um.. 0. a kiss? idk?
if I don't respond it cuz I don't anyone to see me
that could be arranged *smiles a little and puts my hand on your leg*
*smiles and looks at your hand* how close r we?
about 5 more minutes away *looks at you*
yay I can't wait! *smiles and doesn't notice your looking at me*
*keeps driving and bites my lip*
*smiles and puts a bobby pin in my hair*
soooo how's life? *scratches the back of my neck*
life is good now that I think I know there aren't anymore secrets about my life that I don't know of it's good wbu? *looks at u*
well that's good... and as for me... I can't say I've been good. I have a lot of things going on right now
u wanna talk about it or not rlly? *puts hand over urs*