Collage by thornehate


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yes we get it I fûcked up. What do you expect me to do about it now?
please continue to warn everyone on PC about what a bîtch I am, because the other two pages obviously didn't quite do it!
please leave my girl's not her fault, it's mine. make me a page. I don't care. just leave my baby alone.
I amm? how?
don't even talk to izaac or I'll cut your head off
I know, I fûćking know. but, I love thorne, and, I hope & think, she loves me. so maybe, mind your own business. I've apologized to Anthony. he was okay.
k I know thank you. everyone knows.
it's not 'what I do' . I'm not Carson.
you called my girl a slût. well at least she's not a backstabbing, stuck up, know it all, bîtch whothinks they can intrude on other people's business.
I'm not going to hurt him again.
you know, I'm so close to going back into hospital, it's scary, thorne is the only thing taking my mind off that. so maybe, get your mind out of Anthony's âss and think about everyone else. you clearly have feelings for Anthony so sort those out.
no. Carson did it 1000 times. I've done it once! and you know what? it wasn't a mistake. because I love izaac.
get your head out of his âss before it gets stuck.
yes. but I love izaac more than anything
no, no, she's going to be upset if you carry on and I think, or I know,that I hate seeing my girl upset. it kills me.
oh + you read our messages?
LEAVE ME THE FÛCK ALONE IM SICK OF YOUR BÛLLSHÎT. it's my life. I can be with whoever I want. and you aren't going to change how much I love izaac by trying to make me feel bad .
leave her alone, please, have some morality. empathy. whatever.
good, so drop it
that's not how it's going to fûcking be . IM NOT CARSON
just drop it.
stop trying to make him leave me :(
hey! leave her alone
everyone's human we make mistakes so it's time you move on and stop holding a god damñ grudge
Carson hurt me a lot when we were together. bet you didn't know that. he dropped our relationship about five times. the last two were to kole. that hurt. but I'm over it. why can't you get over this? it's none of your business.
it is ^ i was in love with anthony. i came back, he came back, we never got together, he wanted thorne
aha lol I can see why.
for the record , I have never slept with izaac .
and trust me Carson has been with every fûcking guy on this app
^ ooh that stung, but hey think about like this, you left, anthony was there for her, she used him then he got thrown away like a used tissue
shut up and leave her alone please
I left Anthony for izaac because like I said to soph, I never imagined izaac coming back, if I had known he would, I would have just waited for him because I knew I wanted him
she hasn't blocked me yet
drop it..
like she dropped anthony?
I give up. I give up trying to tell people I'm not a bad person. fûck it. fûck you.
shut up
real mature
this isn't mature though is it?
i guess you're right, i'm only warning you. this is barely i hate page, i've only called her a name once
and now I have izaac :)
ill leave her, just like you did
I was in hospital ¿
did you know, she tattooed anthony's name on her wrist, right next to her dad's?
^ he was getting my name tattooed.
in the shape of a 'T'
yeah ^
you just can't let me be fûcking happy for once can you?! the one guy . the one guy who makes me happy, now probably hates me. THANKS TO ME. I'm a fûcking idiot. thank you for showing him
please leave me alone
... leave me alone. please .
I said leave me alone
what part of leave me alone do you not get?
well done. well fûćking done.
drop it
you finally got what you want.
well done. well. done.
no. you wanted him to hate me. that's the only reason you're here
no. I'm sorry. I don't love him and I love izaac. and he would love me too if this hadn't happened
kill me. I'm sorry. please . kill. me
stop getting involved. you're the reason this is happening. so shut up.
please stop.
and i've been blocked. cowards.
I'm private^
ohh, makes sense now ig, you should probably get off before thorne does something