The love of my life


The love of my life

15 0
I'm sorry! *hugs you*
okie good 🙂❤️💜💚
I love you too 💚
me too but my weekends are full of soccer games...
I would have been there a month ago but I couldn't handle another death
not your fault people come and go all the time...
no it's not your fault don't worry about it
Can you pls reply to the RP? I feel like I'm invisible...
I'm sorry baby but I care
you know that's not true but I do still have school
no Meg don't I don't want you to close up and most of the time I answer you first
no love I'm just saying I won't be on as much ch I'm sorry..
yea I know we just need a better way cause I'm gonna be on here a lot less
būllshït but whatever