Coment something


Coment something

4 0
God is life he made us
that's true
sorry yassss
u want to go out with meh 😱
are u a boy...
yes i am a boy and yes I would go out with you wut u look like
I have a birthmark
lol how old are u
lol I have a beauty mark
am I taking to you no so shut up
are u on πŸ˜‘
Idc πŸ˜’
if he loves me he can it is true luv u can't break it ❀️can't break it -πŸ’”
jezz do u know wut the true meaning of luv is
I'm still on
well then stop it I'm 13 and I know a lot
oh so u luv me
that is shocking
do you luv me are not β€οΈπŸ’”
well yes but I have to see a picture of u
I don't have a picture of me
so you came back for me Jc
*hugs you* I missed you
Jc say's no because he do not have pic collage
oh well I miss him
I'm dating someone in my school-JC
πŸ’”o-ok...I'm sorry πŸ˜”πŸ’”πŸ’”
so do you like
JC I thought we were to gether πŸ˜”