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I'll role play 💖
y did you cheat on me 😭😡
thx for breaking my heart 😭😡
it was just a rp
I'd never cheat
I saw what you said to this boy on here
a friend showed me 😭😭😭😭
what? show me?
I'd never ever ever cheat on you I don't even like guys that much
little-me told me
she commented on my BVB pic
do you love me 😭
she's trying to break us up 😭😭😭😭
baby, can you tell her to stop 😭😭😭
that rp was ages ago
I would never want to break up with I
the girl that is commenting on my pic won't leave me alone 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I love you too * I kiss you *
I remixed one of her collages it'll be okay now
baby I love you, I don't know why she's trying to do it 😔😭
oh hi there our favorite person ..
little-girl, I love my girlfriend and she loves me also
little-girl, stop trying to break me and her up 😭
Ikr like totes get a life ... pathetic as heck
ily, I'm gonna do whatever I can to make her stop
she doesn't like when you call her little-girl
omg she just went on my happy birthday collage and said 'happy birthday'
I still wanna be your wife 💖🌈👭🌈💍👰💖
will you marry me and be my wife 💖🌈👭🌈💍👰💖
I'll protect you from her, I'll wipe your tears away, I'll fight your fears
I'll always be there for you
I'll be your shadow when you feel alone, I'll be your soft pillow when you a hug, I'll your shoulder to cry on when you feel sad, and I'll be your solider when you feel afraid
your so sweet , kind and amazing I'll a always love you and hold your hand through the toughest times yes
it's okay now I think you brought us even closer together ..
thank you for bringing me and her closer
- I kiss you -
*kisses you back*
* I giggle *
*i smile and kiss your nose*
I gtg, I'll be on tomorrow
I love you 💖
bye baby see you
hey 😭
if I'm crying most of the day it's because I'm being bullied a lot and people think that I'm a guy but I'm a girl
idk y people think I'm a male
I'm a female
plus there's people in my school that are making me cry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am so sorry ... I've never been bullied properly ... I am the popular girl at school
you're lucky, it's hard being a outcast with very little friends :(
I hate loneliness
our school are mostly emo and goths that's y
my school sucks
meh I hardly go school anyways
I mostly bunk and stuffs
I wish I could
* I kiss you slowly for a long time *
*kisses u back
* I hold you in my arms *
* I lean on you*
* I lay down on the floor *
baby girl, can you get on top of me 💖
* I kiss you *
I love you 💖💕😘👭💞💘🌈💍
aww cute
such a pervert
u=pervert or is that to big of a word for you
actually no