--Am I getting better at this?--


--Am I getting better at this?--

25 0
I cuss out this_is_my_fight_song😐
she made me more mad then what I was😒
I'm very confused. who's the first person and what are they talking about
the girl that loves horses
she made me more mad
iamsrag? that's who made you mad? or am I confused
both of u
but she made me more mad
what did she comment about on here though?
I know I made you mad
I'm not mad at u anymore I'm sorry😢💔uk I love u 💜
I know
I'm still confused what they are talking about
don't worry about it gtg have low battery
okay talk to you tomorrow?
please look at the moon tonight! it will be awesome if u can see it!
I'll try
and yes ttly Sam
will u be on at like 830 or something?
I'm going to take that you're talking to Kitty.
both of u!
both of us what
never mind.
how do u do those edits?
the edits I've been doing?
I'm busy out with friends
*hugs* have fun