Collage by exposing_roaringrivers


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this is the difference
if ya didn’t know sister
so what r u going to do on this account...
lol sorry. I didn’t know that you already knew that. XD Anyways, please stop commenting on my collage. It’s really annoying. :)
if you’re “exposing” her, you’d better dig up some proof because all I see is an amazing person. also, would you have to feel some level of “hate” to expose someone? and what the heck would you expose?? her eye color?
you really think people are gonna listen to you?
what’s the point?
oh, I’m sure you’re besties with her. you probably buy her an icecream every day
then you go skipping down a field of flowers hand in hand singing LA LA LA
I’m not hating on you. I’m simply admiring your obvious friendship
assume things? hey dude, you’re the one exposing her and ASSUMING she has any bad in her. she’s obviously just a talented collager
then why else are you doing this? I’m not hating, just asking simple questions
is it just me, -SunBurst-, or do I see absolutely no proof here? hmmm... -SunBurst- there appears to be no proof roaringrivers is a bad person! so I guess our friend the exposer doesn’t have any.
Soo what are you going to do here?.....Just make dumb colages?