She calls me daddy 🤤


She calls me daddy 🤤

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dadddyyyyyyy your so handsome
it’s not bad
mmm let me ride
I’m good how are you?
*takes off my leggings*
do you want to help?
*walks to you*
*spins for you*
ahh do you really?! how exciting!
*nods and agrees* I love that! you have always been so supporting
*nods* that’s true. I’m glad you realized that. I’m happy for you two
of course! life is so different but I wouldn’t change it for the world :) Hardin and I are no longer together, which I feel like I’ve come to peace before we split up. I’m just doing life as it comes and enjoying having time with the babies
honestly it’s okay. I had to end things because I wasn’t feeling loved and other stuff but the good thing is that it was mutual
I did! so excited for her
*smiles and kisses you*
*gasps against your lips*
*smiles and looks at you*
yes please
*lowers down on it and moans softly*
*moans as I bounce *
*moans as look down at you*
*moans as I move back and forth *
ahhh daddy *moans*
*moans and bounces*
*moans softly as I burie my face in your neck*
*gasps softly *
*watches you*
*lets out a gasps while i arch my back*
I’m about to cxm
*smiles at you*
*kisses you back
how are you?
that’s good I’m glad! I’ve been good!
I’m pregnant! *smiles* wbu?
I’ve been with Dylan for a while now. I know paisleys is recent. I wanted to tell you earlier but Dylan and I have talked things over
*nods* I promise I won’t, we are going to get married as soon as we started talking again but I said no and now we are taking things slowly
yeah I know I saw that. I told her to take her time but I can’t force her to do anything. I’m willing to take my time because that’s what happened the first time Dylan and I tried so now we are taking things slow. I just feel like it’s so soon since she just had a baby but also not my place to say anything
yeah I get that. that’s why I’m trying to take things slow
hi hi
we’re doing good, she kept kicking it’s been almost 5 months
*kisses you back*
*leans against you*
*gasps softly* oh my
I-it does
*closes my eyes*
*nods* I’m very sleepy
*gets up*
*goes into them*
I love you too daddy *says in a sleepy voice*
*closes my eyes*
*after a while I wake up*
*presses my a## against you*
daddy I made a new biooo
this man is mine y’all you hear me
my baby daddy ❤️❤️
I’m feeling hxrnyyyy
in the kitchen *grins*
*giggles softly*
*clings to you* I’m so wet daddy
*giggles and looks at you*
*watches you*
*smiles when you undress me
*moves my hand to my pxssy and rubs*
*sticks my finger in and moans*
*pumps my finger inside as I whimper*
*whimpers as I cling onto youu*
*screams softly*
*moans wanting more*
*crys out*
daddy imma cxm
*moans as I cxm heavily*
*giggles as you call me a good girl*
*looks at you*
*smiles and lays my head on your chest*
I love you
*kisses your chest*
no we didn’t