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Okay here goes...I'm sorry I haven't been on in zillion years and that school sucks and that this is another supernatural edit and that trump is gonna be president and that everyone is a lizard (so scaly!)
@caption. liZZZZAAAAARRRRDDDSSSSSS. right so basically (story time with Ronnie) in my school, we are doing this musical/school play thing and when we sing the chorus me and my fren, instead of singing the actual lyrics we slowly lean our heads together and whisper "sO SCALY" "cOLD BLOODED"
hEYYYYYY fren thanks for all your comments, I mean it. They may not feel like much but they really do make my day <3
It's ok, I understand. ❤️
thanks dude!!
uR ALIVE i was beginning to worry about chu there m8 but its good now 😊