πŸ’—tap becuz ur beautiful!πŸ’—
I'm kind of in love with this!
Anyways, have a fabulous weekend my brunettes! Love you! Thanks again for 2.7K! πŸ‘ŒπŸ» ________________________________
                  Ayla xxx


πŸ’—tap becuz ur beautiful!πŸ’— 😍YOUR BEAUTIFUL!😍 --------πŸ’πŸΌQUEEN!πŸ’πŸΌ------- I'm kind of in love with this! Anyways, have a fabulous weekend my brunettes! Love you! Thanks again for 2.7K! πŸ‘ŒπŸ» ________________________________ Ayla xxx

131 2
this is amazing! πŸ’•
in love with this too! πŸ’•
This looks so awesome! πŸ–’
I'm in love with this too!πŸ’œπŸ’œ
How do u do those fonts that has like the box around it with the l
How do u do those fonts that has like the box around it with the lines
Omg alive is so good!
so so so beautifulπŸ’•
so Ay hun, what's up?😘
round one has started!🌼 remember if you don't enter by the due date,(feb.5th) you loose all your points!πŸ’•
hah neither, I gotta clean my room...πŸ™„ and im doing my first collab! I don't know if it was you who asked me to collab, but I now do collabs and post them on @armidillo πŸ’•
wanna do one? 😘
d'ya like it? I sorta do!! but I can't post it yet! it'll have to wait until me and em finish our collab! we have to post first! (Emmis orders!πŸ˜‚)
^^ JENNAAA!!! don't make fun of me!
cool, can I look for a pic and you choose a quote? πŸ’•
I know something that will make my day... If you enter my games! It will be a lot of fun for everyone and of course there are prizes!
umm... und yet, I'll just give you pic examples Kay? πŸ’•
Thanks for entering! 😊
hmm.... I think he likes you ☺️ AWE that's so cute! does he do this to any other girl?
yeah, he likes you πŸ˜‰ he's probably just scared to tell you about that he does, maybe afraid of getting rejected?
ahh, okay. tell me if he does any more strange things, k? πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‚
hmm... maybe you should let him take his time, if he isn't brave enough yet, try to get to know him a little more?