Well the twins are here


Well the twins are here

16 0
They are so cute!
Kayla_Kats has a game going on right now, you should play 😃
thx guys... okay I'll go check it out
awh their so cute☺️❤️
aw thx Shane
Awe my niece and nephew are so cute sis I'm so sorry I wasn't on I had cheer tryouts plzzz forgive me
lol of course Chloe
Ok can I meet them sis
of course I'm still in the hospital, so txt me when u get here
congrats! they're very cute❤️👍
thx Lucas
*drives to the hospital*
*holds ayden*
*gets to the hospital and texts you* hey Ik here
are these our babies or your bfs?
their ours.... and hi cam....
awe there so cute
yeah they are *holds Ayden and plays with her hands*
*kisses her forehead*
*looks at Ryder*
can we talk *sits down*
*looks away* sure
why did you break up with me *looks down*
because my brother didn't like u and my family is important to be. and I was told u cheated on me, our time zones are like 10 hrs apart so I never get to talk to u
first of all I didn't cheat on you and second of all my family didn't really like you but I loved you so I stayed with you
well I got told u cheated on me with several girls, if ur family didn't like me y didn't u say something?
I've started cutting
stop don't do that Jackson, come on, you've already moved on, now what's got u comin back?
because I miss you
I gtg
don't be mad I'm back now...
I wasn't mad I was upset
same difference