🌸•click for comfort•🌸
😊I love you guys, no matter what...😊
🍥I hope you guys felt happier...🍥
🐚Shoutout to HeyItsPasta! Please like her recent... Comment done when you do and I'll give you a shoutout!🐚


🌸•click for comfort•🌸 😊I love you guys, no matter what...😊 🍥I hope you guys felt happier...🍥 🐚Shoutout to HeyItsPasta! Please like her recent... Comment done when you do and I'll give you a shoutout!🐚

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hey!! I was wandering if I could make u an icon? u don't have to say yes😘
YAYY! sorry i am really exited I love making icons for people and your the first one who has let me😘❤️😂so what celeb do u want and what colour/s do u want?😂😂😘😘
oh and also would u like glitter?
ok cool! I will get the icon back to u in like 5 Mins and it would mean the world to me if u used it😘even just for a day!! also if I cannot find the script, what other individual celeb would u like?
Hey...I'm so so sorry! I just was kind of stressed because I don't know what to post next and I don't feel like posting the things I did before. I felt so bad because I forgotten about how my besties would react. I'm such a terrible friend and I'm sorry! Even if I don't get a hundred likes I'll still visit PC from time to time. And thank you for telling people in your caption. You're such a wonderful friend and you don't deserve an awful friend like me 😞
yay tysm for using my icon! don't forget to give credit too😘I gtg to bed now I'll be back on tomorrow- cya!❤️❤️
omg I only just noticed I am in your bio!! tysm your amazing😘😘
Thank you so much! It's the second time you send me something like that 💗 Thank you!
that's fine u can change the icon back! I could make u a bunny icon if u wanted😘😘
Okay! I'll wait if we get enough likes, if we don't I'll still be posting in PASTALICIOUS
I love your account so much!! you deserve way more followers!!