Collage by -Illusions-


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I will be praying for them too!
guess what, your religion is the biggest and least oppressed religion in the world! your religion colonizes, is what created racism and nationalism,is the basis of homophobia, oppresses people every day, demonizes religions like judaism, islam, muslims, hinduism, paganism, etc. ur a bigot, just say it. being homophobic is not an “opinion” dimwit, it’s bigotry. you people say you love others then actively participate in oppressing people who ONLY 7 YEARS AGO had it made legal for them to get married (yeah, im talking about gay people) your religion is the basis of america, stop acting like you’ve ever ONCE in your life have had to deal with A SINGLE bit of oppression. cause you haven’t. you’re just soft. L + ratio + bozo + fatherless <3