Collage by More_Awesome_Bunny


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Oohh sky diving, I would also like to do that once :)
Great thing that your mother taught you. Also great that you can talk to her ❤
Oohh Italy is really nice!! Been to a few places there, but there's just so many great things. Vietnam is where you're rooted, isn't it? Have you never been there before?
oh we have the same love language! HAHA
sky diving sounds cool but I’ll be terrified :”)
I can tell that ur mum definitely taught u amazing things and that it’s rlly great to be able to talk to her :)
never been to Italy but vietnam is rlly nice, been there twice? it can be noisy at times (on the road) but it honestly depends which part you wanna go to, because in the north and south things can be a little different