I love you!!!!!!! You will probably never see this but I just want you to know that I freaking love you❤️❤️❤️


I love you!!!!!!! You will probably never see this but I just want you to know that I freaking love you❤️❤️❤️

35 2
isn't he like in PC? my best friend is obsessing over him. I believe it's: Official_Viner_Jacob. I dunno, people r obsessing over tht account, seems real
by real I mean the account seems legit 👆
yeah...I'm following that account but I can't really tell if it's real or not
Oh well tbh he got 210 or summin followers in a day, he seems like he's legit. I'd go along with it, you never know, could be him 😏
ur like obsessed with this dude arn't u
I will, thank you😊
kind of
Lea his account is officialjacobsatouris we're friends
I friend met him. I wish I was there with her.😋