My pumpkin for the contest! Tell me if you like it in the comments! It took me 3 days to do and I worked really hard on it. Today is the day to turn it in so I'm hoping for the best!😁


My pumpkin for the contest! Tell me if you like it in the comments! It took me 3 days to do and I worked really hard on it. Today is the day to turn it in so I'm hoping for the best!😁

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that is so amazing! especially when you went out of the lines to color/outline! so awesome!
you're welcome. I can tell you worked really hard!
you did a great job and if Miss. 6th grade artist doesn't enter, I hope you win!
Livia, bring your pumpkin today and I'll take you to turn it in at lunch.
Actually, my dad is taking it to turn in in the morning after he drops me off. Sorry!
oh, okay. do you know where? it's the orange box in front of the teachers mailbox.
Ok thanks!
I'm pretty sure ur gonna win...
Really? Wow, thanks so much!😘
even though you didn't win, you still did a great job!
did your brother win?
aww, but he did such a good job! he deserves to win!
Ikr thx I'll tell my brother.
Thx so much!