Because I'm bored I decided to take pictures of my posters and make you see them 


Because I'm bored I decided to take pictures of my posters and make you see them :)

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I don't see any tøp posters I'm disappointed in you lol jk ily
oh yeah I see it now lol you have regained my frenship
I actually don't have a tøp poster I just have a cràp ton of tøp drawings lol I have a suicide squad poster tho
why not?
ohh that makes sense. I don't use a sketchbook and if I put in a drawer somewhere I'd forget about it lol
actually it wasn't too long ago lol I started drawing the day before this school year started soo like maybe the last day of August?? hbu fren?
I've been doing nothing all day but (miraculously) am not bored. I guess all of my boredom must have been transferred to you. 🤔
that's cool! I've actually liked drawing for most of my life but I rEALLY got into drawing in august. it's funny cuz before August I almost totally lost interest in drawing cuz I was like "what am I supposed to draw???" but then I realized that I could draw tøp related stuff so yeah that happened lol
lol same
over a hundred lol and I'm not exaggerating
how many posters do you have?
that's cool! yeah I have way too much stuff on my walls lol I only have two posters (suicide squad and a kitten holding a teddy bear) cuz posters are too big and there wouldn't be any room for any more posters lol