Is it possible to be the 4th wheel alone :( even if lilacpetal mangolover and my friend Alex are here my birthday sucks


Is it possible to be the 4th wheel alone :( even if lilacpetal mangolover and my friend Alex are here my birthday sucks

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jay what do u mean
there at your party because it's your party why does it suck I mean c'mon hanging with friends can be fun right?
if u do feel like that then we can talk if u want I mean it's your choice your day 😉
prank her already
I can't I tried she won't get it so can u tell her to go on Skype
she's getting annoyed
tell me what u want me to tell her to do in one comment or else it will take ages,
uh well get her on Skype NOW ok and say she will get my eyeballs
sorry I'm late to reply do u want me to get her on now
sorry maybe let's not do this cuz I was eating dinner -_- and we are gonna watch tv soon
k tell me if u want me to get her on Skype or something