I used Laila101's new pack 
the traveler café


Tap I used Laila101's new pack the traveler café ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

22 0
Thank you!! I hope I wrote ur character ok!!
Also any plot ideas?
That's a good idea! Thx!
I'd LOVE to be friends!😆❤️
My name is Daisy
I don't really have a nickname....
your so close to 200 followers!!🎉❤️
haha cool
Chapter 6 is up!!
Chapter 7 is now up!!
I would love to be friends! 💕
Chapter 9 and 10 are now up!
Congrats on 200!!🎉 Also can you answer the feedback questions?
Next four chapters are out!
it's ok! and I guess I didn't answer for a while either... anyway I'm Lucy x
Thanks for the feedback!